Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb 17th - It is official, Cole is returning home to Florida on Sat, Feb 28th. Generally he is feeling pretty well, getting stronger and incredibly excited to be going home, as are we. We have been in Boston with him since July and count our blessings every day that we made the decision to bring him to Boston Children's Hospital. 

Their are way to many people to thank individually, so for now we will simply thank you so very much to all who supported us through this crazy journey. Without your thoughts, your prayers, your kind words and assistance with our other 2 children, this would not have been possible for us. Your donations allowed us to fly back and forth countless times, have an apartment near the hospital and other important resources and allowed us to provide Cole with everything necessary to get him both physically and mentally well. 

Cole's battle is far from over, however he is definitely heading in the right direction!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Jan 19th - Feb 16th - It is now now day 105 (105 days since his transplant) and Cole is continuing to improve. He was released from the hospital on Jan 24th and has been staying in our Boston apartment. His battle with VOD (veno occlusive disease) has now largely resolved and we are hoping to get a release date to return home to Florida within the next 2 weeks. He will continue to go to clinic for checkups here at The Jimmy Fund Clinic until we return home and then we will have regular checkups at St Mary's in West Palm Beach. We will periodically need to bring him back to Boston, however we have not been given that plan as of yet. 

Cole's battle is far from over, however all is looking good so far. He is beginning to regain his strength, however his appetite is still lagging far behind. When he returns to Florida he will need to stay in isolation for a few months since the transplant wiped out all of his immunizations and his immune system needs to rebuild. We should be able to re-immunize him after about 6 months.

Cole wanted to see some snow and we certainly did get some! This winter has caused us some challenges and we welcome our return to the sunshine state. 

We are so very glad we chose to come to Boston for his treatment. The hospital staff was amazing! Some of them went so far above and beyond their jobs. There are no words that can say how appreciative we are of them and we hope that we can stay in contact with some of them into the future. Cole definitely felt the love by all. Cole sat in a chair in the hall so frequently that he was deemed Mayor of the floor :)

Again thank you to all for all your support,thoughts and prayers through this long and trying journey!

Cole leaving the hospital

Cole near a snow bank

Snow against the 1st floor of our building

Showing his Viper Baseball pride!

Cole chilling in our apartment

Ready to go home already!